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Thursday, November 19, 2009

We all want answers anyway.

The worst part of the human, is the act of being artificial. I have never understood why people feel the need to act one way and believe another. If you don't like someone, tell them. If you love someone, tell them. Standing on the line between is easy, and it allows one to keep up their walls for protection, but think of everything that they are missing. Life isn't an acting game, it's a survival game, and getting by without being hurt means that you also shield yourself from other true feelings, like happiness, and bliss. If you have to put on an act to prove a point, if you have to perform a skit to get someone to like you, if you are flat out fake to someone, then you are hindering all chances of discovering who that human is.
Life is all about experiences, go through life asking yourself, what does it feel like to be in the situation? Strip the situation down to it's bare nakedness and see the true beauty that it contains.
Yes, it is easier to put on a mask and act like you don't care, act like you are happy, act like you are the coolest thing since toilet paper, but you are still acting! I know this is an overemphasized point, but be yourself. Not the self that you want to be, but be who you are. The soul is often referred to as a fake entity but I truly believe that it is real. If you show your soul, even glimpses, then you will attract the people into your life that will make you the happiest, and isn't that what we all want to be? Happy.
It's hard not to be spiteful, but the classiest and the most successful people learn graciousness. Humility and self-respect can go hand in hand, and they should. Let your spirit be in harmony and your soul will ultimately glide to the perfect finishing point.

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