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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Some things in life just aren't worth your time. If there is anything that this past summer has taught me, it's to live for yourself, not for anyone else. You will have the rest of your life to live for someone. If you aren't happy with where your life is, change it. Don't just sit there and pout about it. Pouting never got anyone anything. Get over it. Yea life sucks sometimes, get a helmet and cope. Some days it rains, some days you wake up late, friends turn out to be fake, high school relationships rarely work, you run out of milk and have a dozen cookies, shit happens. Clear your head and remember why you made the decisions that you did. I'm not saying that all of my decisions are wise ones, but I've definitely learned that every single decision, every single move I have made has, in some way, shaped my life. I wouldn't take back a single thing, and most people say that to seem brave or BA, but honestly, I wouldn't, because I would not be who I am today. Despite everything life has handed me, I have grown as a person, I have learned who I am and I have learned what is important to me. I believe in fate but I don't believe in magic. I believe in trusting your own fate, the fate that you subconsciously make for yourself.
Life is what you make it, so make it good.

As for college, I'm pretty much in love with all of my classes. My week starts with algebra which I was super pumped for but two days into the class I've realized two things: my teacher looks like Moses and he hates us. Everyday, except Fridays, from 11-12:10 I have a dance class. Even though I have to go to my next class sweaty, it is a great way to break up my day. Next is either Anthropology or Astrology which both are too hard to tell which way they will go but I am really excited to see where they go.
I made a lot of really true friends over the summer and I am excited to see them all year, even though a couple of them are still in DSM.
My goal for this year: Don't jump to conclusions.

I love you :)

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