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Thursday, October 8, 2009

When life hands you lemons..

I'm not posting this because I think I'm a good artist, but because Becky told me to. And since you are so far away and I can't just show you things, I have to communicate with you via blog....lame.
This picture was an assignment for my sociology class, titled so eloquently: Intimate Relationships. It is supposed to be a metaphor for my parents' marriage.
Why does this represent my parents' marriage? If you know me really well, you are reading this, so you know that my parents do not exactly have the most picture book marriage, but it is perfection at its' finest. You know the vows, "til death do us part"? They embrace that so deeply, I can't even describe it. This picture shows my mom holding our family up, and even though she can do it by herself, she isn't scared to ask for help so that I have the best, and I mean immaculate family life. The extra ropes holding our "egg" of a family represent the support systems that she gracefully creates to keep us afloat. At the top are my Dad and I, because NO MATTER WHAT, we come first and I have never been more grateful for something in my life. At the very top is a tree, because my mom has always taught me that no matter what life hands you, you grow as a person, you make the best of it, and you become a functional member of society. And lastly, "Love Conquers All." . This saying rings so true to my soul that I got it branded on me for life. Even though my mom basically lost her husband 19 years ago, even though he is not the same person, even though she was forced to be a single mom, and even though the laws handed her shit for luck and told her to deal with it, she is still spiritually married to my father. She could have, like many couples in our situation do, left and divorced her husband, threw away her vows, and could have found a second best companion to make our life more "perfect" and "functional" but she didn't. She has stood by her husband for 19 years, she has raised me using every possible resource she could to make me grow up in a well-structured environment.
In a nut shell, she is the absolute greatest person I know.

What gets me through the day?
-Long drives with loud music
-Dance classes that speak to my soul
-Coffee with good friends
-Postcards from some of the bravest people I know
-Finding a best friend who really understands me.
-Realizing that life is meant to be embraced, so whatever I am handed is like a prize.

No looking back.
No regrets.
No fake lines.

You caught me at a good time, this is as real as it gets. Feel privileged.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. holy shiznat.
    no lies, def crying right now.
    i love you sami!!!! u inspire me in so many ways. i'm a very lucky person to have developed this relationship with you and feel soooo blessed!

    words can't even describe the rest of my thoughts. the only thing that could complete me message to you is a smile. and that you'll just have to imagine :)
