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Friday, September 25, 2009


New Study:
British study shows that death rates rise on days when new doctors start. Which makes me wonder, have you ever thought about if your airline pilot is a fresh face to the skies?

19.2 pound baby born in Indonesia.
If I said he was born naturally, would you believe me?
Good, cuz they cut that sucker out for sure.
OUCH, that makes my lady parts hurt.

November 22, 1963
This is my favorite picture of Jackie Kennedy. Even though her husband was shot and killed just hours before, she is standing next to Lyndon B. Johnson as he is sworn into office on Air Force One, she shows nothing but full support. What a classy lady.

I learned in my anthropology class that throughout history, the Earth actually switched orientations, as in the poles switched places. This is proved through magnetic substances that are found in deep layers of strata and they are opposite of the current magnetic field, like the positive end is pointing towards the South. Can you imagine being on Earth when the poles switched places? Not only would our entire communication system crash but our coordinate system and probably things I don't even know about!! Think about it.

This is a clip from "Top Hat" featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Amazing tap dancers. Although their full talent isn't showcased in this video, this is my favorite piece by them. Their chemistry is addicting and Fred's romance melts my heart.

Current music choices:
Noah and the Whale
We Were Promised Jet Packs

Life lesson of the week:
Be classy, don't make choices that you will regret because they will always come back to haunt you. If you think you are above this, get over yourself and come back to earth.

much love,

p.s. tattoo=complete.
love conquers all.

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